Rick Uttich






October 31, 2006

Firefox Scholar Released (Now Called Zotero)

A group of scholars at George Mason University released a free
Web-browser enhancement this month designed especially for other
scholars. The project, which was originally called Firefox Scholar,
<>  is now called 
Zotero. <>  

The goal is to bring search and organizational tools to humanities
scholars who might not have the skill or interest to otherwise use them,
by embedding them in the Web-browser software the scholars are already
using, says Daniel J. Cohen, an assistant professor of history and
director of research projects at the Center for History and New Media at
George Mason University. 

With Zotero, which requires the latest version of the Firefox browser
<> , users can import Web pages, and citation
information from them, into a personal filing system, among other
features. A written statement on the project's Web site says the
software "includes the best parts of older reference-manager software
(like EndNote)-the ability to store full reference information in
author, title, and publication fields and to export that as formatted
references-and the best parts of modern software such as or
iTunes, like the ability to sort, tag, and search in advanced ways."
--Jeffrey R. Young