Hi everyone -


I have been enjoying following this discussion on email.


Although it may be only indirectly related to much of the discussion, some
of you may be interested in something I did some time ago related to
student-student interaction.  Students were working in small groups in one
of my classes and some of the groups were having internal problems.  I
arranged a class discussion of "guidelines for group behavior" and the TA
wrote up a set of guidelines based on that discussion.  In subsequent
classes, when groups started working I required each group to look at and
discuss those guidelines.  As a psychology class, it was particularly
appropriate to focus on group process and ask the students to (a) discuss
their ideal group process in advance, and (b) have the courage to raise the
topic for discussion again if anyone in the group felt it needed to be


The guidelines are at

They also can be found by searching in Google for "Walter vom Saal


Walter vom Saal