Teaching Breakfast Dates for Spring 2010 TBers,

The Teaching Breakfast dates for the spring 2010 semester are:

February 3, March 4, April 7, and May 6

All sessions will be held in Fitzelle Hall room 110 from 8 am - 9 am. Coffee, tea and pastries are available at these meetings to give folks a reason to want to attend.

Also, the TB has a new web presence at:  https://mindtouch.oneonta.edu/User:greenbjb/Teaching_Breakfast

This new space is a wiki, so if you want to contribute, comment, edit this space please do.  

Mr. James B. Greenberg
Director Teaching, Learning and Technology Center
Milne Library
SUNY College at Oneonta
Oneonta, New York 13820
blog: The 32nd Square at http://32ndsquare.blogspot.com <http://32ndsquare.blogspot.com/>
wiki: The 32nd Square at http://32ndsquare.wikidot.com <http://32ndsquare.wikidot.com/>
web: http://greenbjb.ning.com
email: [log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
phone: 607-436-2701
fax:  607-436-3677
Twitter: greenbjb
"Ignorance is curable, stupidity lasts forever"
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