From: Open SUNY Center for Online Teaching Excellence <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 10:23 AM
Subject: Open SUNY COTE Survey on Faculty Attitudes Towards Online Learning
To: Greenberg, Jim <[log in to unmask]>


A reminder that the Open SUNY Center for Online Teaching Excellence (COTE) is seeking responses to a survey from faculty and staff that have experience in teaching, developing, or supporting online education. This survey will help us to understand SUNY faculty attitudes toward online learning and will provide a benchmark against recent national results.  Information from this study will help us to better understand and address faculty concerns and advance our goal of improving the culture of online teaching and learning through COTE and related initiatives in OpenSUNY.  We appreciate your assistance in promoting excellence in online education. 

Your participation is entirely voluntary and in no way can be tracked back to you as an individual or institution. We will use the information you provide to add to our understanding of online technology and learning acceptance from an instructor's viewpoint. All your answers will, of course, be kept confidential. You do not have to answer any questions you do not want to answer. It should take you about 10-15 minutes to complete the survey.

We are conducting this research with Dr. Peter Shea ([log in to unmask]) and Dr. Jason Vickers ([log in to unmask]) of the University at Albany. If you have any questions concerning your rights as a research participant that have not been answered by the investigator or if you wish to report any concern about the study, you may contact the Office of Research Compliance Office, at 1-866-857-5459 or [log in to unmask]. By clicking the submit button at the end of the survey you confirm that you have read and understand this section and consent to participate in the survey.

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.

This project has been approved by the University at Albany Institutional Review Board. Approval of this project only signifies that the procedures adequately protect the rights and welfare of the participants. Please note that absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed due to the limited protections of Internet access.

Warm regards,

The Open SUNY COTE Team
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