Dear TBers,
	Maurice Odago and I are giving a presentation this Wednesday, October 28, at noon in Union Square (Hunt Union). We’ll be talking about our iPad project in organic chemistry from a few years back and then I’m going to depart from that to talk about some newer, non-chemistry apps that I have since incorporated in my teaching. You might find some of these other apps interesting and/or useful enough to consider for your own courses. Examples of FREE apps I’ll be demonstrating:

	collaborative whiteboard: each team or individual gets their own page to work on simultaneously
	electronic quiz/survey tool: uses any internet capable device and oh-so-easy to use
	color identification apps: great for the colorblind and the verbally color challenged
	time-lapse photography: useful for seeing changes over several hours or making stop-motion videos when you’re procrastinating
	and more! (depending on time)

	If you plan to attend, you’ll have more fun if you bring a device to play with. For most of the apps, just about any smartphone or tablet will work. The collaborative whiteboard, however, only works with iPads. 

			We hope to see you on Wednesday!
			Jacs and Maurice