

This is a reminder that there is a Teaching Breakfast tomorrow (February 18) at 8 am outside Starbucks.  Hope to see you then. 


And here is an interesting article about some of the hurdles around student’s engagement in courses: https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/just-visiting/students-arent-coddled-theyre-defeated

If you get past the title of the piece, there are some great ideas in here on how to get students to buy into learning.


Also, OPEN SUNY has been doing a couple of webinars about motivation in teaching using the ARCS Model (Attention, Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction).  Here’s a link to the first session in that series: https://sas.elluminate.com/mrtbl?suid=M.30DA45F71E5F98D30770B2ABA2C13B&sid=2012301


I look forward to seeing you tomorrow if possible!