Event Upcoming

There will be a Great Ideas Meet Up (GIMU) held on April 21, at 1:00 in Morris Hall Craven Lounge. 

GIMUs are short group sessions that allow faculty to hear a variety of best practices in a short time window. These are held in a large room with small stations. Each station has one lead faculty member sharing one fabulous idea for a brief informal chat with three to four faculty as participants. Each chat is 15 minutes long and is participatory in that the “presenter” shares the great idea and then engages the “audience” in a chat about how the idea is implemented. After 15 minutes, a chime or other indicator will sound to ask people to select a new table. The participants can move to any table. There is no set pattern and participants do not need to visit every table. The event will last approximately 75 minutes. Can’t make it right at 1:00? No problem. You can jump in at any time.

Come join us. We’d love to see you.

Diana L. Moseman, M.S. 
Instructional Support Technician 
B257 Milne Library 
SUNY College at Oneonta 
Oneonta, NY 13820 
PHONE: (607) 436-2683 
FAX: (607) 436-3677
E-MAIL: [log in to unmask] 

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