Hello all!

Welcome back! I hope that the semester is starting off well and you have been able to have lots of meaningful interactions with your students.  We are continuing to expand the Teaching Breakfast/Coffee Chat conversations by alternating weekly between the two options: Teaching Breakfast on Thursday mornings and a new time for Coffee Chat on Wednesdays at noon.  We will continue to meet both in person and virtually, so if you feel comfortable participating in person, come on down; if you would rather meet via Teams, hop on your computer!  These spaces will continue to be a place to come together to talk about new modalities you might be using to teach and hopefully share and get a few answers. This week we will be holding our first Teaching Breakfast of the semester:

  *   Teaching Breakfast, Thursday morning, February 9, 8:30-10:00am: Butternut Room, Hunt Union (just past Starbucks) and on the Spring  2023 Teaching Breakfast Teams space<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTExZWJhMDAtNDlhNy00MGJmLWE5ZDUtZGM3MGFhMDgxYjJk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b2c9b1a8-d1ad-4c9f-9172-728a8c08eb65%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22acdbd4c6-8ceb-4ccb-b54d-35c4ab20321f%22%7d>.

Our reading for this week provides a framework to help students better understand what is expected of them to be successful in their courses on campus.

  1.  The Go for Green Constructive Learning Method<https://thelearnwellprojects.com/article/the-go-for-green-constructive-learning-method-part-3/> - This article from the LearnWell Projects explores how students' can better identify the required thinking skills to be successful in studying course content and topics. This is actually part three of a series.  We chose this one as it does a good job covering the entire process.  If you are interested in reading the other articles here are the links to Part 1 - introduction<https://thelearnwellprojects.com/article/go-for-green-constructive-learning-1/> and Part 2 - course topics and content<https://thelearnwellprojects.com/article/go-for-green-constructive-learning-2/>.

We look forward to hearing how you support your students to help them be successful in the classroom.  We hope to see you on Thursday morning for Teaching Breakfast (February 9) if you can make it!


Chilton Reynolds
TLTC Interim Director
COIL Campus Coordinator
Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center (TLTC)
SUNY Oneonta, Oneonta NY 13820
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Phone: 607-436-2673